About Me

Hey, I'm Pip

I'm a Freelance 2d animator Based in Amsterdam... But you knew that.
I make cool fun stuff and i love working with friends.

Headshot of Pip Williamson standing

Back in 2012, as a mopey British teenager, I learned to use After Effects. Shortly after, I did my BA in Animation & Motion Graphics. I then spent 3 years interning and then staffing at studios in London and Amsterdam before setting out to go it alone in January 2020.

I use both keyframe and cel techniques in my work, often jumping from After Effects to Animate CC or Photoshop. In many cases, I use a hybrid of both.

In addition to my core animation skills I also have branching interests in teaching, electronics, interactivity, dance and traditional animation on paper and cels.

I have a distinct understanding of communication through movement, an eye for precision and a passion for fun and engaging characters.

If you have a project that needs a bit of pippin’ then shoot me an email.


Don't be a stranger

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